Classical Influences of A&A Posted on January 12th, 2020 by

Many aspects of both Renaissance art and architecture and today’s society have been influenced by ancient Rome. Creation of law, development of democratic government practices, influences in language, literature, art, infrastructure, and city planning are all areas where the influences of Roman ideas can be seen. The main influence of Roman art and architecture was mainly from the Greeks, not only from their language but their beliefs and gods. These were seen in statues of Greek and Roman gods as well as architecture of religious structures.

An architectural structure that is comparable between Renaissance and ancient Roman/Greek time is the alcove seen in the Vatican, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and the Menander house in Pompeii.

Another would be the obelisk in the square of the Pantheon, as well as the square in front of St. Peter’s Basilica.

The classic renaissance period was under a variety of influences that were intended to increase the present awareness of their power, presence and individualism as an empire. The word ‘Renaissance’ emanates the idea of rebirth and revival through the art and architecture of the time. One influence that was a setback – but didn’t end their art and architecture escapade – was the Black Death; it created a halt to all art forms, but it was still used as a way to project forward their belief in themselves: the worth of humans in general and the dignity of an individual. The Bubonic Plague ultimately led to more of the remaining population wanting to be able to enjoy their life by expressing themselves and collaborating to create more ideas that highlight important aspects of their architecture such as the creation of aqueducts to be able to supply water throughout all parts of the town for all purposes.


Geneva VanWyk

Austin Dye

Megan Aber


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